Tuesday, 4 June 2019

peptic Ulcer and Nobel prize

Peptic ulcer and Nobel prize

For many years , everybody used to think that peptic ulcer which causes acidity related pain and bleeding in the stomach and  deudanum,were because of lifestyle reasons .Everybody thought that stressful life lead to a lot of acid  secretion in stomach, and eventually causes peptic ulcers.

Then to Australian made a Discovery that bacterium, helicobacter pylori was responsible for peptic ulcers.
Australian doctors

Reborn Bahrain -born 1937 a pathologist from preth ,Australia, saw this small curved  bacteria in the lower part of the stomach in many patients. He notice that signs of inflammation were always present around this bacteria.Barry Marshall born 1951 a young clinic fellow, become interested in warrants finding and succeed in cultivating the bacteria from the source.
For this achievement Marshall, and Warren received the Nobel prize for psysiolodgy and medicine in 2005

Happy time , receiving Nobel prize

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